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Everything you need to know about laser Tattoo Removal

laser tattoo removal

With over a quarter of UK adults estimated to have tattoos, there has been increased demand for laser tattoo removal in the past few years, and it looks like it will continue. Whether it is simply regret at getting the tattoo in the first place, for cosmetic reasons, or to correct mistakes, The Doctors Laser Clinic in Norwich is here to provide a safe, effective treatment for permanent removal of unwanted tattoos almost anywhere on the body. For a consultation, just contact us here.

The Alma Harmony XL Pro

The Doctors Clinic uses the state-of-the-art Alma Harmony XL Pro Medical Grade Laser for the latest and most effective tattoo removal treatment. It is suitable for all skin types.

An award-winning laser technology, it is capable of removing even the most stubborn of ink and safely removing tattoos from different parts of the body, providing a clear, uniform appearance to the skin once again. You will struggle to even tell there was a tattoo there in the first place.

As a multi wavelength laser technology, the Harmony XL Pro can also remove tattoos of different colours in addition to standard black ink. On administration to the affected area, the Harmony XL Pro breaks down the ink into tiny fragments which are eventually absorbed and safely passed out of the body.

The laser tattoo removal appointment

You should not have a tattoo removed if you are pregnant or have suntan or fake tan – wait for it to fade first. Before coming for treatment at The Doctors Clinic Norwich for tattoo removal Norwich, you should shave the area of the skin if necessary. Whilst tattoo removal is not as painful as getting a tattoo, you should still be prepared for some discomfort.  

Your safety is our top priority so to reduce these feelings of discomfort, we offer a numbing cream for the area of skin beforehand, with special goggles to protect your eyes as well. Our suitably qualified practitioner will then begin the treatment, passing the laser over the tattoo’s surface – you may feel a slight pricking sensation.

Laser tattoo removal Aftercare

After each treatment, it is important you avoid sun exposure and if you are going to be exposed, cover the area, or use high SPF sunscreen. Your skin may also feel more sensitive directly after, with some redness and scabbing. Avoid picking or scratching the area. Using an ice pack or Aloe Vera gel can relieve soreness. Generally, 6-10 treatments are enough, but this varies depending on tattoo size.

At The Doctors Clinic Norwich, we firmly believe we have the safest and most cost-effective method of tattoo removal for you!


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