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laser hair removal soprano titanium

Soprano Titanium Laser Hair Removal In Norwich

The Soprano Titanium is by far the most advanced laser hair removal machine available in the UK today. We have this machine at The Doctors Laser Clinic! We chose it for three simple reasons: Its safety, its effectiveness, and its speed. We feel the Soprano Titanium is the best option on the market for safe effective hair removal, for anywhere on the body.

Doctor & Nurse Led Clinic

Saves Time & Money

Award Winning Technology

Reduces Hair Permanently

Treats All Skin Tones

Table of Contents

Soprano Titanium

Laser Hair Removal Norwich

The Soprano Titanium is backed by over 20 years of research and development.

We have used the Soprano Titanium’s predecessors and have always been very impressed, so when the Titanium was developed it was obvious that we should get one for our patients. We have years of experience in using lasers in general, and years of experience in using lasers for hair removal. Based on this experience we have and the technology we use, we feel we are your best option for laser hair removal in Norwich

Benefits of the Soprano Titanium


One of the dangers of laser hair removal is burning of the skin. Soprano has always had an excellent safety record in this regard. The Soprano Titanium features an Ice plus™ sapphire tip to allow consistent temperature control. This means the machine can direct the heat onto the hair follicles in the dermis (where it’s needed), whilst keeping the temperature of the epidermis at safe levels. The Soprano Titanium is safe for all skin types, from I to VI, and also tanned skin. The Soprano Titanium offers cool and pain free hair removal and is the only device we know of that is clinically proven to be safe for all skin types. You are in safe hands for your laser hair removal at The Doctors Laser Clinic.


The Soprano Titanium offers the benefit of 3 wavelengths combined in a single applicator.This means that the device can target various anatomical structures of the hair follicle at varied tissue depths for maximum efficiency. The three separate wavelengths allow for effective hair removal from virtually any part of the body.


Our laser hair removal patients appreciate the fact that their appointments are shorter, thanks to the fact that the Soprano Titanium has a 4 CM 2 spot size, allowing us to cover a larger area with each pass of the laser. The machine is calculated to be 40% faster than other machines in its class.

Patient Feedback

A great service and the staff and the clinic are so welcoming and friendly. I had laser hair removal on my legs but I would definitely go for more treatments in the future.
Laser Hair Removal Patient
Titanium Laser Norwich

Say goodbye to the annoying, uncomfortable, time consuming, repetitive and painful hair removal alternatives. Say goodbye to trimming, waxing, shaving and plucking. Say hello to smooth, hair free skin.

If you are not sure if laser hair removal is right for you and would like a chat to discuss, please come along to the clinic for a free consultation. We will give you the best advice and answer any questions you have.  We look forward to seeing you at the clinic soon!

Why choose The Doctors Laser Clinic for your hair removal?

The Doctors Laser Clinic team

Why the Soprano Titanium by Alma?

Alma are makers of ‘the best laser hair removal’ machine on the market today.

book a laser hair appointment

All treatments start with an initial consultation with one of our team. During your consultation we learn about your areas of concern and treatment goals.


All our staff have been vaccinated against Covid-19 thus reducing mutual risk. As a Covid-Safe, CQC Registered Medical Clinic with Ventilation that ensures TWELVE air changes per hour your safety is our priority. 

We are continuing to adhere to strict protocols so the car park will continue as our waiting room for the time being. We look forward to welcoming you back!

Feel free to contact us on 01603 360 360 or at info@laserdocs.co.uk.