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Hello to a beautifully even skin tone

Even skin tone at The Doctor Laser Clinic

Aging really can be drag. Just when we think we have anti-aging treatments and procedures in place to combat the wrinkles, along comes these little thread veins. Someone decided to call them Spider Veins. It fits; for me they are equally unwanted as their 8-legged namesake.

These veins and broken capillaries can cause unsightly red streaks and blotches under the skin and are usually caused by ageing or sun damage. They can also be associated with hormone imbalances.  They are especially embarrassing on the face, but can also commonly occur in the legs, often red, blue or purple in colour; they can leave the sufferer feeling insecure and result in a loss of body confidence.

Conventionally we may have turned to make-up to try to tone-down the colour. But the redness would not be easily combatted by standard make-up tones and techniques, and no-one likes to feel caked in make-up.

Here at The Doctors Laser Clinic, we offer a solution.  Our clinicians offer a variety of bespoke laser and IPL treatments to successfully eliminate unsightly veins and capillaries. The treatment works by using an intense flash of light targeted at the treatment area, heating up the veins in question and rapidly sealing them off. This causes the veins to collapse, eventually being absorbed by the body within around 2-3 weeks.

Very fine facial veins may require just one treatment to disappear completely. But, for larger thread veins in the legs to be eliminated, top-ups are often needed.

In terms of aftercare, skin may feel hot with a slight sunburnt appearance directly after the procedure. However, this should quickly subside with no specific down-time needed afterwards, meaning you’re safe to continue with your daily routine.

Say goodbye to the redness and hello to a beautifully even skin tone. Maybe this might be the summer to get those legs out again?

Book a consultation now for thread vein treatment Norwich and find out how we can help you love your skin again! Call us at 01603 360360 or email info@laserdocs.co.uk.

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All our staff have been vaccinated against Covid-19 thus reducing mutual risk. As a Covid-Safe, CQC Registered Medical Clinic with Ventilation that ensures TWELVE air changes per hour your safety is our priority. 

We are continuing to adhere to strict protocols so the car park will continue as our waiting room for the time being. We look forward to welcoming you back!

Feel free to contact us on 01603 360 360 or at info@laserdocs.co.uk.