Star Treatments – 5 🌟 Reviews

Star review

Here at Doctors Laser Clinic we are totally focused in providing the right treatment for you. It is our personal, tailored, approach to customers which sets us apart from other clinics. This is recognised and celebrated in our customer reviews. We now have over 1000 5-star reviews. Hurrah to that!

We know it can be a daunting experience to undertake your first session at a clinic. We will ensure you have all of the information you need regarding your treatment, and you know you will be in the hands of a professional team, but ultimately it is a personal experience. That is why reviews are important. The link below will take you directly to some of the testimonials from our clients. These demonstrate just how some of customers feel after treatments with us.

We are proud that your experiences at Doctors Laser Clinic, time and time again, are described using adjectives such as ‘friendly’ ‘comfortable’ and ‘professional’. We feel that this reflects our overall ethos of approaching your treatment as a partnership between clinician and client.

The video testimonials from Vicky and the other women confirm that our results really change how you feel about your body. A boost in body confidence really can be life-changing. Importantly treatments are now accessible to all, and we would argue (and our testimonials confirm) we are especially welcoming in this regard. Our only goal is working together with you to improve the areas of your body which you feel are not looking or feeling at their best. Clinical treatments are no longer the preserve of the rich and famous it is now a real choice for everybody.

So we have the knowledge and expertise to help make improvements to your body, but it is your body and your experience. As the reviews show, when you come to Doctors Laser Clinic, we will ensure that this experience will be top-rated.

So a big thank you to all our customers past, present and future. Let’s continue to work as a partnership to ensure you look and feel at your best. Call us at 01603 360360 or email to see what we can achieve together.

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All our staff have been vaccinated against Covid-19 thus reducing mutual risk. As a Covid-Safe, CQC Registered Medical Clinic with Ventilation that ensures TWELVE air changes per hour your safety is our priority. 

We are continuing to adhere to strict protocols so the car park will continue as our waiting room for the time being. We look forward to welcoming you back!

Feel free to contact us on 01603 360 360 or at