Rhinophyma Treatment

sketch of man holding his nose

Understanding and Treating Rhinophyma: The Gold Standard Approach at The Doctors Laser Clinic

Rhinophyma treatment was mentioned in the clinic the other day. We thought an article about it might be useful for local sufferers considering we offer what is described as the ‘gold standard’ for treatment of this reasonably common but unsightly disorder. The Doctors Laser Clinic in Norwich is doctor-led and committed to providing effective care for various conditions, including rhinophyma. We specialise in many hard-to-treat skin conditions here.

What is Rhinophyma?

Rhinophyma is a skin disorder that gives the patient a large, red, bumpy, or bulbous nose. It is a subtype of an inflammatory skin disease called rosacea that results in redness and visible blood vessels on your face. While rosacea can affect anyone, rhinophyma is more common in men, particularly those over the age of 50. The enlargement of sebaceous glands on the nose is one of the main factors.

Signs and symptoms of rhinophyma include thickening of the skin on the nose, a waxy or yellowish appearance, and visible blood vessels. Discoloured skin and enlarged prominent pores are other signs. This condition can lead to significant disfigurement and may obstruct the nasal passages, making breathing difficult. The exact cause (at present) of rhinophyma is unknown, but it is thought to be closely related to untreated or severe rosacea. Possible factors making a patient more prone to this condition are genetics, alcohol consumption, and sun exposure. One or all of these factors may contribute in any given case.


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Why is Rhinophyma Treatment Important?

If you are a sufferer, you will know that rhinophyma may be significantly impacting your quality of life. Physically, it affects the nose and can cause discomfort and breathing difficulties. Psychologically, self-esteem, social anxiety, and depression may affect a patient due to the nose’s altered appearance. Without treatment, rhinophyma tends to worsen over time, leading to more severe symptoms and complications. Laser surgery is often a much-warranted intervention to prevent these escalating issues and improve both physical and mental well-being. Rhinophyma laser treatment has proven to be highly effective in addressing these symptoms and improving the appearance of the nose.

Your Treatment Options for Rhinophyma

You have treatment options are available for rhinophyma, including:

  • Medications: Antibiotics and other medications can help manage rosacea symptoms and reduce inflammation, but they are often less effective for advanced cases of rhinophyma. The effectiveness of medication will depend on the severity of the condition.
  • Surgery: Surgical options, including dermabrasion, cryosurgery, and excision, can remove excess tissue and reshape the nose, but they often involve longer recovery times and a higher risk of scarring. Consultation with a plastic surgeon may be necessary for these surgical interventions.
  • Laser Treatment: Laser therapy, particularly CO2 laser treatment and Erbium laser therapy, are considered one of the most effective for rhinophyma. It offers precision, minimal invasiveness, and quicker recovery times when compared with surgical methods. Ablative laser treatments, such as powerful CO2 laser resurfacing, are highly effective in treating rhinophyma. It works by removing the outer layers of the nasal skin to reveal healthier tissue underneath.
  • The NHS: We regret to say that you most likely, will not have any joy with the treatment of rhinophyma by the NHS unless the condition is impacting your breathing. 

The Gold Standard For This Skin Condition: Rhinophyma Laser Treatment

At The Doctors Laser Clinic, we use advanced CO2 (carbon dioxide laser treatment) laser technology to treat rhinophyma. This method is highly effective in removing excess tissue, reducing redness, and improving the overall appearance of the nose. Here’s how the process works:

Your Initial Consultation

During your first visit, our expert team will assess your condition, examine your nose and discuss your medical history. Our goal here is to determine the most suitable treatment plan for you.

Laser Surgery Treatment Session

We use the CO2 laser to lock on to, then target and vaporise the excess tissue on the nose. The laser procedure is performed under local anaesthesia to prepare the nose and for extra comfort.

Following The Treatment

After the procedure, you’ll receive detailed aftercare instructions to promote healing and minimise the risk of complications. Most patients experience a significant improvement in the appearance of their nose within a few weeks. Following treatment, it is important to adhere to these instructions to ensure the best possible success.


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FAQs About Rhinophyma Laser Surgery


Is the laser treatment for rhinophyma painful?

The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic, so you should not feel any pain during the treatment. Some discomfort or mild pain may be experienced during the recovery period, but it is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain relief.

How long does the laser procedure recovery process take?

With laser treatment for rhinophyma, recovery times can vary, but most patients see significant improvement within a few weeks. Full healing and final results may take a few months.

Are the results of CO2 laser treatment permanent?

The results of CO2 laser treatment are long-lasting, but maintaining good skincare habits and managing rosacea symptoms can help preserve the outcome.

Will mild rhinophyma clear up on its own?

As a chronic inflammatory skin condition, once the rhinophyma has passed the stage of thickened skin and enlarged prominent pores (has become bulbous and pitted) it is improbable it will move towards anything else but getting more severe. If you have a case of mild rhinophyma, we may offer alternative treatments to the CO2 laser option.

The Doctors Laser Clinic: Your Best Option

For individuals suffering from severe rhinophyma, our clinic offers the best treatment options available. Our focus on advanced laser resurfacing techniques ensures that the skin of the nose is restored to a more natural and healthy appearance. Rhinophyma laser surgery is a highly effective method to address the symptoms and significantly improve the quality of life for those affected.

Please contact us at the clinic if you would like to know more about the rhinophyma treatment process at The Doctors Laser Clinic. A consultation is the best place to start but feel free to get in touch if you have questions.

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