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Why Permanent Laser Hair Removal?

Soft, smooth skin is beautiful, youthful and sensuous with Permanent Laser Hair Removal.

For hundreds of years much of the finest art has portrayed women with beautiful flowing hair on their heads – and smooth all over.

Michelangelo’s artwork from 1512 on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel in Catholic Rome depicts men and women fully nude without body hair. There is a common misconception that our desire to be smooth all over is driven by modern pornography but this is just not true. The Ancient Egyptians depicted smooth bodies. From The Birth of Venus by Bothecelli in 1486 through to Amaury-Duval’s Lone Venus of 1862 pictured below beauty is hair free!


The fact of the matter is that from an evolutionary perspective human body hair is virtually useless.  
It barely insulates us, greatly magnifies the surface area for bacterial growth, looks horrible and feels even worse as it grows back after shaving, waxing, threading and epilating.  Humans are the only primates with genital hair

Here are some facts
– Why do you shave your armpits?  The answer is hygiene and aesthetics.
– 90% of women dislike hairy backs.
– Facial hair on women is distressing and associated with high levels of depression and social isolation.
– Most women like to be smooth ‘down there’. This is why Hollywood and Brazilian waxing has become so popular, now there is a permanent alterative; Pain free laser hair removal Norwich.


The majority of women keep their bikini lines trim.
Most with regular partners go further – it has been unusual for many years in The Long Stratton Surgery (where The Doctors Laser Clinic is based offering Laser Hair removal in Norfolk) for the Doctors and Nurses in their clinics to see completely untended pubic hair!  As doctors and nurses we are constantly kept busy by the miseries of human body hair – ingrown hairs, folliculitis, abscesses, rashes, smelly bits and the adverse consequences of waxing, shaving, depilating and electrolysis. Hospital admissions are not uncommon for drainage of abscesses. Men and Women hate painful waxing!  They love being smooth for a week or two but £50 doesn’t go far before ‘the cactus garden’ is back. The only permanent solution is our Pain Free Hair Free Laser Hair Removal using The Soprano ICE – The Gold Standard laser technology..

Almost everyone is anxious about laser hair removal.  
It is all about self-esteem and the psychology of spending so much on yourself.  Everyone wants to do it but worries about prioritising themselves when there are so many other demands on the budget.  Everyone who has permanent laser hair removal feels exhilarated, confident, supremely relieved and empowered.  You will wonder afterwards why you didn’t do it before. You won’t be able to stop telling all your friends. The cost is soon forgotten when the result is permanent. Look at testimonials we receive here at The Doctors Laser Clinic in Norwich and Norfolk.

The Soprano ICE diode Laser used by qualified doctors, nurses and their highly skilled team is supremely suited to permanent laser hair reduction especially on intimate areas such as the pubic area, vulva, vagina, peri-anally, around the penis and testicles. Whatever the terminology you use, Brazilians, Hollywoods, Landing Strip, “Bald Beaver”, Honeymoon special – the fact of the matter is that men and women feel empowered, confident and sexy when all is trim in the garden.

If you would like to know more about pain free laser hair removal in Norwich or Norfolk then feel free to contact us to arrange a consultation at the Laser Doctors Hair Removal Clinic.


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