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What’s the best hair removal during the summer months?

So many of us spend the cold, dark months dreaming of sunshine, barbecues and days at the beach. As we’re snuggled up in blankets watching the rain beat against the window, all we really want is for the sun to reappear once again so we can strip off, relax and let our stresses melt along with the choc ices.

But the summer joy is short lived for some of us, as it brings with it its own complications… hair removal and what is the best hair removal product?

Those dreaded words that have made women groan and their bank balances suffer for centuries. Gone are the months when we can hide the truth behind trousers, tights and leggings. The skin must be unveiled and something has to be done about that ‘insulation’ you’ve been so committed to growing all winter.

But what are the best hair removal techniques you can choose? With so many options available nowadays, it’s hard to know which is the best route for you and it really is a very personal decision.


So let’s start with the standard depilation – shaving. Great for a quick fix and if you can’t stand re-growth then it’s probably a viable option. But chances are within a day, if not hours, you’ll be feeling that horribly familiar prickle and his romantic leg stroking will be more of an all over palm-exfoliation. Not sexy.

Hair removal cream

So how about hair removal cream? It’s easy, quick and doesn’t involve any sharp blades. But it also smells like rotten eggs and regular use will see you getting through plenty of not cheap packets.


Waxing is brilliant if you like a long lasting smooth result. Your skin is left silky and you can relax for the entirety of your holiday basked in smooth, hair free smugness. But waxing comes at a price and it has to be re-done every 4-6 weeks (within which you have to put up with re-growth). An average leg and Brazilian wax is £50 and if you’re having one every 5 weeks, you’ll be spending around £150 to keep smooth throughout the Summer months, or, if you want to stay smooth all year around you’ll be spending £520 on waxing per year. That’s over £1000 in 2 years!

Laser hair removal

For years these were our only options, but not any more. Now that Laser Hair Removal technology is getting better and better, women are increasingly recognising what a worthwhile and cost-effective investment it can be. In fact according to new statistics from Courthouse Clinics, more than 80% of women who regularly groom their bikini line are opting for Laser Hair removal. So why not look into it yourself? Chances are you’ll be surprised at how easy and cost-effective it is. Just think, this time next year you could be slipping on those shorts without even a second thought, safe in the knowledge that your legs are smooth, soft and permanently, yes permanently hair free.


Author: Dr Malcolm Willis


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