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What is the Madonna Eye Lift?

madonna eye lift norwich

What is the Madonna Eye Lift?

We offer the Madonna Eye Lift (Fractional Eye Lift) treatment at The Doctors Laser Clinic. The aim of the treatment is to help you achieve a more youthful appearance in the around-the-eye area. If you have dark circles under the eyes and loose skin around the eyelids, the  Madonna lift may be an excellent solution for you.

The procedure involves the latest fractional laser resurfacing technology. This safe and effective treatment has minimal downtime, making it an attractive option for those with busy schedules.

The technology

The fractional CO2 laser uses laser light to remove tiny portions of skin tissue to create microscopic channels in the tissue. The idea is that new collagen can grow back in its place. Due to the fact that only a minute portion of the skin is removed, healing levels are very quick and pretty painless. You’ll get results similar to traditional eyelid surgery

Benefits of a Madonna Eyelift

The Madonna Lift is an excellent option for those who want to eliminate wrinkles, pigmentation, and loose skin around the eyes. Patients can expect a reduction of dark circles, eye wrinkles, and tighter eyelid skin.

Compared to surgical eye lifts, the Madonna Lift has fewer risks and minimal downtime. One of the benefits of the treatment is the stimulation of new collagen production, resulting in long-lasting effects that can last for several years.

A quick and easy procedure

Before the procedure, the area is cleansed  around your eyes and a topical anaesthetic is applied to minimise any discomfort. Once the area is numbed, eye shields are placed over your eyes. If your eyelids are being treated, we will place an intraocular eye shield on your eyeball (similar to a contact lens).

The treatment takes about three minutes per eye, and your skin will be lifted and tightened with every pass of the laser, giving your skin a radiant glow. Patients typically need two to five treatments to achieve the best results. The procedure is suitable for most skin types but In some cases we may perform a small test in the area to test for change in pigmentation.

Who is a good candidate for the Madonna Eye Lift?

The best candidates for this procedure are those who are looking to improve  the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around their eyes. The treatment also looks to improve dark circles and drooping eyebrows, as well as loose skin in the eye area. The fractional laser works very well on darker skin in most cases; however, to be sure and safe, we will perform a test spot on the eyelid area to ensure there is no change in pigmentation. Most, but not all patients will be suitable for the procedure, depending on the amount of fat within the skin.

A free consultation

Book in for a consultation to find out if the Madonna Eye Lift might be suitable for you. We offer free consultations for most of our treatments


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