Welcome Back!
We have been authorised to re-open our clinic on Saturday 4th July.
We have already substantially filled our appointment book for the first couple of weeks!
We have been making huge efforts to ensure that you are Covid-19 Safe including:
• A new phone system that enables us to answer calls remotely.
• Pre-appointment questionnaires 24-48 hours in advance
• Personal Protective Equipment
• Cleaning regimens
• Staggered, longer appointments
• Reduced staffing levels to comply with social distancing
• Risk assessments
• No touch soap dispensers
• One-way system through the building
• Car park waiting
• Temperature checks
• Requesting that patients use the toilet before leaving home
• Sadly refreshments have been banned by the Health and Safety Executive
• New ventilation/ extraction system in treatment rooms in progress
• Postponement of certain laser treatments until ventilation system complete
• Upgrades to our clinical system to facilitate remote consultations and bookings
• Further integration coming through July and August to our website
All the Best from
Brenda, Helen, Jayne, Jenny, Joolia, Kathy, Malcolm, Mini, Paula, Sarah, Sharon and Tanya