If you’re not happy with shaving, creams, or waxing to remove unwanted hair, laser hair removal may be an option worth considering.
With hair-removal being widely documented since 1920’s and increased in popularity, we now spend an enormous amount of time trying to remove unwanted hair.
A recent study has suggested that a woman will spend approximately 72 days of her life simply shaving her legs. 72 days. That’s 1,728 hours! One clear advantage to laser removal is therefore to achieve a permanent hair reduction and give you back precious time.
We only use the best lasers and can therefore offer clients a unique guarantee of 80% permanent hair reduction. We use delicate and unobtrusive methods that do not irritate the skin. Our methods can even help solve problems such as folliculitis and ingrown hairs, which are often a problem for those who use razors, creams and waxing.
Our clients are naturally delighted with the results. The real benefit however comes from the inner confidence that follows from having beautifully smooth skin, and finally addressing with that problem area. Laser hair removal really can be a game-changer. You will be truly amazed with the results.
We use the most advanced lasers in the country to ensure your hair removal treatment is as efficient and comfortable as possible. Our lasers simply give lasting unbeatable results.
Book a consultation now to find out how we can help you! Call us at 01603 360360 or email info@laserdocs.co.uk