Stress/lines at Christmas? Botox could help…

Stress/lines at Christmas?

It’s Christmas! Again.

A time of peace and harmony. A time to relax and enjoy the company of those you love. A time of quiet, contemplative reflection where…

Actually, it’s not going to be like that at all. It’s more likely to be a time of panic and frustration. A time to be locked in for two days – two whole days! – with noisy, hyperactive kids and grumbling aunts and uncles. A time of pretending to love the kinds of gifts that you wouldn’t give to even your worst enemies. A time of burnt roast potatoes, mushy brussel sprouts and endless quantities of bone dry turkey that even the vat loads of wine you’ve decided to consume to dull the pain and pass the time won’t make it any easier to force down.

In short, it’s going to be yet another fabulous Christmas that, truth be told, you wouldn’t miss for the world.

But whatever Christmas you have, it’s likely to be one that’s full of all kinds of emotions: from happiness and joy, to panic and sadness. And, unfortunately, if you’re the kind of person who readily shows your emotions, you’re more likely to develop the kinds of lines on your face that perfectly demonstrate that you’re the kind of person who readily shows your emotions – such as frown lines, crows feet and forehead lines. Gravity, the loss of fat and a reduction in the skin’s elasticity also contribute.

But don’t worry – help is at hand!

At the Doctors Laser Clinic we can help to take away the frustrations of Christmas and help you to look, and feel, younger and happier.

With the use of Botulinium (or Botox as it’s more commonly known) we can help to reduce lines and wrinkles. And with fillers such as Belotero or Radiesse we can counter the effects of the natural loss of fat, collagen and elasticity. All methods are tried, tested and perfectly safe. And the results are extremely impressive.

So why not treat yourself to an affordable, safe and highly effective gift? It’s just the thing to help you get over the most emotional season of the year. Find out more here.

Merry Christmas!

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