Soprano Ice wins Most Innovative Treatment at the 2016 MyFaceMyBody awards

Most Innovative Treatment at the 2016

Happy New Year everyone! We hope you all had a relaxing break and enjoyed the festive season. We’re kicking off 2017 with some good news!

Our favourite laser, the Soprano Ice won Most Innovative Treatment at the 2016 MyFaceMyBody awards recently – making it clear that the Soprano is the best on the market for Laser Hair Removal!

Now in its fifth year, the prestigious MyFaceMyBody Awards is the only consumer awards dedicated to the cosmetic, aesthetic and dental industry to recognise and reward brands for their product innovation and popularity. The London awards ceremony was attended by 400 leading industry professionals, brands, journalists and celebrities.

We use the Soprano Ice for all types of Hair Removal, from top to toe. It’s painless, suitable for all skin types and commended for its efficiency! Coleen Rooney was the latest celebrity to get treatment with Soprano Ice, following in the footsteps of Kim Kardashian and Victoria Beckham, tweeting that she was excited to be “#hairfree, #carefree”.

Laser Hair Removal has had a reputation for being painful, but that’s because most conventional laser hair removal technologies utilise massive amounts of heat to destroy hair follicles and ensure permanent reduction – but as you might have guessed, the Ice in Soprano Ice is there for a reason! This laser uses three wavelengths in perfect combination and has cooling effects to keep your skin cool while the heat zaps away the hair follicles.

So if you’re tired of shaving, waxing, threading and all the rest, come to us for Laser Hair Removal, it’ll save you time, money and hassle. Winning the award means that you have extra peace of mind that we use only the very best products and strive to offer the most innovative treatments available.

If you’re interested in Laser Hair Removal get in touch to book a free consultation and patch test, call 01603 360360 or email

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