Smooth Away The Years

Smooth away the years

Smooth Away the Years – 3 Questions to ask before getting Botox

The brilliance of Botox, we could literally blog on and on about it (and we do). With recent studies showing a huge uptake in the treatment it would appear that many more of you are coming around to the benefits.  Some argue the treatment is becoming ‘normalised’. It is more common definitely, but it is a serious cosmetic procedure and as such we have put together 3 questions we feel you should be asking before committing to Botox.

What am I expecting from the Treatment ?

Botox is not surgery. This is why our clients love it so much. Botox does not dramatically alter the way you look.  The aim with Botox is not to change your features but to enhance them. Botox does this brilliantly be minimising the appearance lines and wrinkle and making your skin look rejuvenated and fresher. It is also important to note that Botox is not permanent. It is usual to repeat the procedure every few months to achieve longer term results. By setting realistic expectations it establishes an honest relationship between the client and clinician the treatment is likely to be much more successful.

Am I aware of any side effects?

Side effects with Botox are very rare indeed. But it would be irresponsible to say that there is no potential for a side effect. Allergic reactions are thankfully very uncommon due to the modern formulas used in professional clinics. Most importantly though is that you must see a professional. This is will dramatically minimise the incidence of bruising and eliminate any potential for a more serious reaction.  Professional clinics will be able to demonstrate their accreditations and qualifications of their practitioners.

How do I choose my practitioner?

Personal recommendations are undoubtedly the best way to find a practitioner. A browse of the internet alone should be met with caution as reviewers may not always be genuine. Your friends and family always provide honest accounts, and maybe honest photos. They can speak a thousand words. Reputable clinics should also be able to provide you with personal testimonials. It is worthwhile to consider the before and aftercare as well as the treatment itself. It is not just about aesthetics, it’s about how you feel as well. We would recommend creating a shortlist of potential practitioners and then a face to face consultation before booking.

If you are still thinking Botox could be right for you, we would happily talk you through what we can offer here at the Doctors Laser Clinic. Just get in touch 01603 360360 or email

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