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Risking Your Life for Cheap Botox®

Risking Your Life for Cheap Botox®

As regular readers of this blog will know, we’re constantly shouting about our superb credentials. You know, the fact that we’re highly qualified, fully experienced, medical professionals who use only the latest, state-of-the-art equipment and the very finest products.

The reason we constantly state this is not just because it’s true but because we think it’s important that potential clients understand the differences between us and, say, a high street beauty salon that offers knock-down prices on things like laser hair removal and Botox treatment.

And the reason we think this is important is that we firmly believe that people deserve to be treated well, to be treated decently. This ethos is not only good for you but is good for the industry as a whole.

Sadly, there are some disreputable operators out there and they’re not always easy to spot. As we always say, before you embark on any treatment it really does pay to do your research and check the appropriate credentials. And as tempting as it may seem, try to avoid any too-good-to-be-true offers.

Here’s a case in point: a rather horrifying story about two disgraced ‘nurses’ who were caught by undercover BBC reporters illegally prescribing Botox. It makes for very grim reading. Not just because the treatment resulted in pain and discomfort for the patients but also because the people administering the treatment turned out to be rather unsavoury people:

“Mr Henk, 50, describes himself as a nurse of 26 years, but was struck off by the NMC in 2012 for having sex with a mental health patient without her consent.”

Do take a minute to read the whole story. As we say, it is rather grim but it does hammer home the importance of ensuring that any treatment you receive comes from reputable providers.

Disgraced nurses staging ‘Botox parties’.

Book a consultation now to find out how we can make Botox work for you. Visit Botox injections Norwich or Call us on 01603 360360 or email info@laserdocs.co.uk and let’s get back your youthful radiance

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We are continuing to adhere to strict protocols so the car park will continue as our waiting room for the time being. We look forward to welcoming you back!

Feel free to contact us on 01603 360 360 or at info@laserdocs.co.uk.