Reduce Ingrown Hairs with Laser Hair Removal

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An added benefit of laser hair removal

People might be surprised to learn that norwich laser hair removal can reduce the number of ingrown hairs and provide relief for sufferers.  As ingrown hair is commonly caused by hair removal methods other than laser, stopping those other methods and switching to laser means you have a good chance of vastly reducing or stopping ingrown hairs completely.  

What causes Ingrown hairs?

Pseudofolliculitis barbae, the medical name for ingrown hairs, is a  very common disorder in which hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin, rather than rising up from it. This sometimes results in inflammation, redness, and occasionally an infection. Anywhere on the body can develop ingrown hairs, but the face, legs, and bikini area are the most vulnerable. The emergence of ingrown hairs can be attributed to a number of circumstances. Ineffective hair removal methods are one of the most frequent culprits. Sharp hair edges that are left in the skin after shaving, waxing, or tweezing might cause the hair to grow inward rather than outward. Ingrown hairs might also become more likely if you shave against the grain of your hair or use razors that are not as sharp as they could be. Coarse or curly hair is another factor for suffering from ingrown hairs. Hair that is curly or coarse is more likely to twist or flex, which increases the likelihood that it will grow into the skin. Ingrown hairs are more common in those with naturally curly or coarse hair, especially in places like the beard or bikini line. Another potential factor is blocked hair follicles. Dead skin cells, oils, and bacteria can build up and clog hair follicles, preventing hair from rising up and out of the skin. As a result, the hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin, causing an ingrown hair. Rising hormone levels during puberty may cause greater hair growth, increasing the risk of ingrown hairs. Certain medical conditions and medications can also increase the risk of ingrown hairs. People with diabetes or other conditions that affect circulation may be more susceptible to ingrown hairs, as well as those who take medications that affect hair growth, such as steroid medications. Ingrown hairs can also be caused by certain skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, or other inflammatory skin disorders that can cause thickening of the skin, making it more difficult for hair to penetrate.  

Ingrown hair prevention

To prevent ingrown hairs, it’s important to use proper hair removal techniques. Shaving with a sharp, clean razor and shaving in the direction of hair growth can help in preventing ingrown hairs.  A good method to lessen the chances of in grown hairs is to exfoliate the skin before shaving. This helps to remove the dead skin cells that can clog hair follicles. Avoiding tight clothing or anything that rubs against the area where you have ingrown hairs also helps. If you have naturally curly or coarse hair, you may want to consider using hair removal methods that don’t involve cutting the hair, such as laser hair removal or electrolysis. If you’re prone to ingrown hairs, it may also be helpful to avoid waxing or tweezing, as these methods can also cause ingrown hairs. In cases where the ingrown hair has become infected, or if it’s particularly painful, it’s best to avoid home remedies and seek out the advice of a medical professional. They can advise you on the best course of treatment and may recommend antibiotics if the area actually has been become infected. To recap, Ingrown hairs are caused by a variety of factors, including improper hair removal techniques, naturally curly or coarse hair, blocked hair follicles, hormonal changes, medical conditions, and certain medications. To prevent ingrown hairs, it’s important to use proper hair removal techniques, exfoliate before shaving, and avoid tight clothing or anything that rubs against the area where you have ingrown hairs. Switching to laser hair removal may just solve the problem on ingrown hairs for good! If you want further information or you would like to book a consultation you can complete our contact form here

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