Permanent hair removal

Permanent Hair Removal

Why do people opt for permanent laser hair removal?

Permanent Hair Removal works. Hair and stubble in the wrong place is horrible.  In the course of a lifetime battling it costs a fortune and waste far too much time. And depending on how masochistic you are it can also be very painful with waxing, threading and electrolysis.  And that shaving rash is just so unsexy!

After a course of really good laser treatment you can get massive hair reduction that lasts 5-10 years or more.

At The Doctors Laser Clinic our team aims for 80% but usually achieve much better than that!

Some people like to be 100% hair free 100% of the time so they opt for intermittent top-ups.  No matter how often you dig up the garden there’s always a few weeds that pop-up!

What are the benefits of permanent hair removal?

  • Freedom!
  • It’s an investment in emotional wellbeing.
  • Not having to think about it and plan your life around depilation – the posh word for hair removal.
  • It saves money in the long term.
  • Hair free skin is so soft and so sensual.
  • Almost Everyone wants it and when you’ve had it you find out how jealous your friends are.

Laser Technology

For over 15 years lasers have been used for permanent hair removal.  The technology has come along in leaps and bounds.   Until recently the treatments have always involved some pain, a constant risk of burns and other side effects.  In qualified hands the results have been superb.  There are many reputable clinics with a wide variety of lasers.  Because of technical differences in lasers the marketing has become very confusing for the layman.

Operator Training and Technique are massively important!   All our Team are at least doubly certified.  Quality does come at a cost but ultimately its false economy to go for the cheap option.

In our FAQ section you can explore the ins and outs of laser hair removal.   The answers are written by a doctor, not a salesman.  Straightforward and honest.

Why we use the Soprano ICE Laser

Our Soprano ICE laser is genuinely at the forefront of the industry.  The most expensive and most effective in its class and unique in its extraordinary capacity to deliver highly effective treatments virtually painlessly.  There will always be a need for specialist lasers in a small minority of cases.  We are happy to refer onwards to reputable colleagues further afield and offer a substantial refund in these rare situations.

We do not employ technicians to operate our laser.  All treatments are done by Doctors, Nurses and health professionals.  We do not promote any cosmetics or other treatments.  There is no hard sell or pressure.  We explain, answer your questions, give you time to make a decision and then deliver results.

If you would like to know more about permanent hair removal in Norwich or Norfolk then feel free to contact us to arrange a consultation at the Laser Doctors Hair Removal Clinic.


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