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New Year’s Resolutions?

New Year’s Resolutions?

Christmas is over. Hurrah! A new year has begun. Hooray!

Like most of us you probably made a number of new year’s resolutions that, unlike previous years, you’re definitely going to stick to. And like most of us you’ve probably broken them all already.

Ah well, there’s always next year.

Of course, the reason why we find it so difficult to stick to our new year’s resolutions is that we set ourselves impossible, unattainable goals. Such as drinking fewer glasses of wine. Or watching less rubbish TV. It’s almost as if we’re setting ourselves up to fail.

Mind you, if one of your resolutions was to look better and feel better, then you can be happy knowing that it’s something you can easily achieve. With our help, of course.

For instance, at the Doctors Laser Clinic we offer Botox treatment that can help to smooth away the lines and wrinkles that, unfortunately, can be more prominent in people who experience and show their emotions. Frown lines, crows feet and forehead lines are some of the most common results of this. Gravity, the loss of fat and a reduction in the skin’s elasticity also contribute.

With the use of Botulinium (or Botox as it’s more commonly known) we can help to reduce lines and wrinkles. And with fillers such as Belotero or Radiesse we can counter the effects of the natural loss of fat, collagen and elasticity. All methods are tried, tested and perfectly safe. And the results are extremely impressive.

So if your new year’s resolution is wanting to look younger and feel better and happier, we’re just the people to help you stick to it. Find out more about Botox here (link to Botox page) and get in touch with us soon.

Happy New Year!

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We are continuing to adhere to strict protocols so the car park will continue as our waiting room for the time being. We look forward to welcoming you back!

Feel free to contact us on 01603 360 360 or at info@laserdocs.co.uk.