Getting the best from your laser hair removal treatment Norwich requires a little dedication and planning. Read on to find out how to get the maximum benefit from your appointment and what to avoid, and when.
The laser hair removal consultation.
Table of Contents
During your consultation you will be asked to fill out a brief medical questionnaire. One of the questions will ask medications. Prior to your appointment, please make a note of anything you are, or have been taking recently, including herbal and vitamin supplements. It is important that you disclose these as some supplements and medicines can cause adverse reactions. Please also make a note of any creams you have been prescribed. Your therapist will be happy to answer any questions you have at any time during the consultation.
Typical laser hair removal consultation topics include:
The treatment process
Our pre-treatment advice.
Your treatment goals
The device and how it works
How many treatments you may require
What you can expect from the treatment
The cost of the treatment
Post treatment advice
Previous treatments or procedures in the area you wish to have hair removal.
The patch test
If you decide to proceed with the treatment you will be offered a patch test. This is a short pass of the laser to determine the best settings for the machine for your skin. The patch test also serves to determine if you will have an adverse reaction on your skin. You will be asked to sign a consent form for this.
Before the laser hair removal treatment.
Four weeks before the treatment
Stop using any topical retinoids and if you are on any medications please follow the instructions given to you at your consultation.
Two – four weeks before laser hair removal
If you are taking any supplements classed as being photo-sensitising please stop taking them 2-4 weeks prior to your appointment. These include arnica, lovage, angelica, St. John’s wort, marigold, tansy, yarrow, and dill, amongst others. If you have any doubts please consult the clinic.
Two weeks before laser hair removal
The Soprano Titanium is safe for tanned skin but it is recommended you avoid fake tanning products and tanning beds for at least the two weeks before your treatment. Stop any hair removal procedures except shaving. If at any time you are prescribed any medications, including topical treatments, please let us know, as they may interfere with the treatment.
Pregnancy and laser hair removal
There is no evidence that laser hair removal causes harm to the unborn baby, but no studies have been performed. Therefore, we advise that you should not have laser hair removal done if you are, or think you might be pregnant. Laser hair removal is particularly effective for a month after child birth as so much of the hair is in anagen.
The day before the treatment.
Please contact the clinic to rearrange if you have any irritation or infection in the area to be treated. Please shave the area (do not pluck wax or use any other hair removal treatments). It is not recommended that you shave within the 8 hours before the treatment. 24 hours before is a good time to shave.
The day of the treatment.
Please shower and remove all creams, make-up, fragrances, and anything else you might use on your skin. Please arrive with loose fitting clothing. Caffeine may increase sensitivity so it’s best to avoid this on the day.
The laser hair removal treatment and what to expect.
At the visit you will be asked to sign a consent and will be asked again about medications and any changes to your medical history.
The laser therapist will lie you down, clean the area, make sure you are comfortable, and ask you to wear some safety glasses. A thin layer of gel is applied to allow the machine to glide over your skin. The therapist will pass the head of the laser across your skin 6-12 times and you will feel a warming sensation as the laser heats up your hair follicles. In certain sensitive areas you may feel what is described as ‘mild discomfort’. Your skin may go slightly red. Depending on the size of the area to be treated your appointment may last from 10 minutes to an hour or more.
Blondes and redheads can need extra sessions as the melanin pigment in the hair is of a different sort that is more resistant. We are currently using the Soprano Titanium laser hair removal device.
After the laser hair removal treatment
You may experience some mild symptoms after the treatment. This could be mild swelling or redness in the treated area. Aloe vera gel is the recommended cooling cream to use on these areas.
- Do not pluck or wax the treated area. Shaving between laser hair removal sessions is the preferred method of hair removal between sessions.
- Avoid the use of sunbeds or sun exposure for 4 weeks post treatment.
- Do not swim in chlorinated water for 2-3 days following the treatment.
- Please avoid hot environments such as saunas for 1-2 days after the treatments to avoid the risk of irritation. When you bath or shower try to keep the water and room temperature down.
- Avoid exfoliating skin treatments that could be harsh on the skin for 2 weeks
- If in any doubt please feel free to call the clinic at any time
Further treatments.
Your hair grows in three phases,- anagen, catagen, and telogen. Laser hair removal is only effective on hairs in the anagen phase. Hairs are only in this phase for approximately 20% of the time. This is the reason why laser hair removal takes on average, 6-8 sessions to be fully effective. The location of the hairs to be removed will determine the length of time between sessions and your therapist will give you recommendations for the date of the next treatment.
Please follow this guide for optimum results. If you have any further questions before, in between, or after your laser hair removal treatments please get in touch with the clinic. Contact us here.