Is permanent hair removal permanent?

People new to laser hair removal often have concerns over how permanent it really is. Common questions include:

                     “Will all of my hair fall out after one treatment?”

                     “What happens if I have a Hollywood but then
                      want to go back to my original style?”

                     “If I change my mind after one treatment does
                      the hair grow back in patches?”

A single treatment will not produce permanent hair reduction. In some clients all the hair will fall out after a single laser hair removal treatment but it does regrow over the next few weeks. Many of our clients come to us with very coarse, dense pubic hair and what they want is for it to be less dense and softer. If you have less than 6 laser treatments some of the hair will always come back to some degree.

         “The hair follicles have to be lasered several times to permanently

          kill them off.”

Treatments have to be done over the course of a year because only a third of all the hair is growing at any one time. A bit like seeds laying dormant in the ground for years. Which is why most women need an occasional top-up for those pesky few dozen new hairs that always erupt.

Having said that, a recent survey of our original clients from 3 years ago shows that many are still almost completely hair free. Others report a permanent 80% or greater reduction that makes management with occasional shaving very easy.

Most have been back for one or two top-ups because they absolutely love being totally smooth.

The densest pubic hair is around the top of the vagina above the clitoris and onto the pubic mound. Over the course of several treatments, this is the last to go. We have several clients who specifically want to keep a patch or a strip but have it softer.  What they do is to have two or three treatments to have everything off – A Hollywood or Full Brazilian as it is known. After that, they keep a patch.

        “To be honest the vast majority who start wanting to keep a patch end

          up having everything off.”

In 35 years as a Doctor, I have never known a woman regret having everything off. We have been known to turn away younger clients or unhappy women attending with pushy boyfriends. Our clients tend to be successful and intelligent women who really want to have this done for their own self-esteem and not because they are being driven by fashion.

Author: Dr Malcolm Willis


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