Blame it on bikini season, but recently, at dinner parties across the country, a topic is back on the tips of tongues Fat Freezing. Not a new technology, the fat-freezing procedure formally called cryolipolysis was first discovered after, rumour has it, doctors noticed that children who ate a lot of ice pops experienced fat degradation in their cheeks. Who’d have thought?! Well it is really is a great technology, but what is it and how does it compare with Liposuction?
What Is It?
Fat Freezing or CoolSculpting procedures use rounded paddles to suction your skin and fat like a vacuum. While you sit in a reclined chair, cooling panels set to work crystallizing your fat cells. You are likely to experience suction and cooling sensations that quickly go numb. In fact, the procedural setting is so relaxed that patients have been known to work or catch up some life admin during the procedure. This is definitely not possible if you choose Liposuction. For Liposuction small incisions in the skin are needed, a cannula is inserted before suction is applied. This is an invasive procedure requiring local anesthetic and down-time.
What Is It For?
Above all, Fat Freezing is for someone who is looking for improvements in body fat. It is not designed for one-stop-shop major fat removal like liposuction. When clients come to our Clinic for a consultation, we will consider their age and accessibility to establish whether the treatment will be suitable.
What Are The Results?
With Fat Freezing it only takes one treatment to see results . What will happen after treatment is normally a 25% fat reduction in the area treated. You are likely to get an improved waistline, or less bulging of any particular area. Liposuction will deliver quicker results and arguably more decisive change. But both methods can deliver an improvement in body proportions.
Is It Permanent?
Yes Fat Freezing, like Liposuction is a permanent fat reduction procedure, but only if you control your weight. If you gain weight, the fat will go somewhere!
Is It Safe?
Fat Freezing is a non-invasive procedure, the risks, comparatively speaking, are very low. Wounds will not occur, this is the main advantage of Fat Freezing. There is no downtime. Liposuction does involve surgery and there is some inherit risk in all surgical work. The procedure is affordable compared to Liposuction and can even be completed in a lunch break!
So in a nutshell, Liposuction remains an attractive option for fat removal due to a more ‘complete’ fat removal and more immediate results. However it is a surgical procedure. For those who want to avoid surgery, we can deliver excellent fat reductions without using an invasive procedure through Fat Freezing. That is why this procedure is growing so much in popularity.
We are delighted to offer this procedure here at Doctors Laser Clinic. Call us at 01603 360360 or email and book in for a consultation.