Body hair: an endlessly fascinating subject.
Celebrities: endlessly fascinating people (or so they think).
Mix the two together and what do you get? That’s right – celebrities talking about body hair. What could be more interesting?
Here’s Jennifer Lopez:
“I don’t love waxing. I just don’t like everybody … up in the business, you know what I mean? I shave everywhere; the only thing I wax is my eyebrows. It’s torture plucking the hairs out one by one.”
And here’s Kim Kardashian:
“I am Armenian, so of course I am obsessed with laser hair removal! Arms, bikini, legs, underarms … my entire body is hairless.”
And here are eight others at Cosmopolitan. (Link:
Be warned though: if you don’t like swearing – and if you particularly don’t like Harry Potter swearing – you won’t like Daniel Radcliffe’s comment. The little tinker.