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Eradicating the fakers

Eradicating the fakers

Once again 2018 seemed to be full of reports about the negative sides of cosmetic treatments. As hard as it is to hear negative reports about the profession you are passionate about, it must be reported.
One case that was particularly shocking was the man Ozan Melin who was convicted in May of two counts of GBH after injecting women with an “unknown and extremely dangerous substance” He claimed it to be Botox. In fact it was brought on the internet from China. He was jailed for 4 years.

The women he treated were left with swelling and burns. Long term they have been left with disfigurement and paralysis of varying degrees and with significant mental distress. The full article can be found here.

It was truly disgusting. The police described Melin was a sophisticated manipulator who targeted the women for financial gain.

There is positive news however. His prison sentence should serve as a warning to those who risk the health and wellbeing clients for financial gain. It also reminds us to be vigilant well-informed when it comes to looking at treatments and clinics.

Here at Doctors Laser Clinic, we pride ourselves on our reputation, this starts with our qualified professional staff, top-end products, and best of all, ends with the results and experience of our clients. We would encourage anyone considering a treatment to be fully informed. We have blogged before about the Save Face organisation. This organisation is a great place to start when it comes to checking the credentials of a clinic or a practitioner. www.saveface.co.uk.

When professional clinics can work together with an organisation like Save Face we are confident that customers will continue to have access to the best procedures and practitioners and above all access clinics which promote honesty and integrity. It’s about getting the right information to clients.

So don’t be put off by reports of criminal activity. Luckily these are rare. If there is a cosmetic procedure you are interested in, start researching it and start the conversation. Obviously here at Doctors Lasers Clinic we are on the Save Face register so why not contact us to see what we can do with you. Call us at 01603 360360 or email info@laserdocs.co.uk.

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All our staff have been vaccinated against Covid-19 thus reducing mutual risk. As a Covid-Safe, CQC Registered Medical Clinic with Ventilation that ensures TWELVE air changes per hour your safety is our priority. 

We are continuing to adhere to strict protocols so the car park will continue as our waiting room for the time being. We look forward to welcoming you back!

Feel free to contact us on 01603 360 360 or at info@laserdocs.co.uk.