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Electrolysis vs Permanent Laser Hair Removal

Electrolysis vs Laser Hair Removal.


What is Electrolysis?


Electrolysis for hair involves placing a needle into the skin, down the hair follicle and pressing the red button…the shock burns the hair root. The electricity coagulates the flesh at the root of the hair killing it.

It has to be done one hair at a time.

In the hands of an expert with a good machine it is great for isolated hairs. In order to be effective a big enough current has to be passed into the client.

The problem is that it also coagulates the lovely soft collagen. This is why you sometimes see women who have had electrolysis with upper lips that look horrible with thick lines that can be read by a barcoder.


What’s the difference between Laser Hair Removal and Electrolysis?

The root of the hair is heated to 50 degrees centigrade or more.

The Soprano laser uses pure pink light that shines through the skin and raises the temperature at the hair root to about 43C.  Very tolerable and very localised. The hair falls out 2-3 weeks later.

The big difference is that the light stimulates the collagen producing fibroblasts in the skin to lay down new soft tissue.  This is why you get a rejuvenating effect –the opposite of electrolysis.

The Benefits of Electrolysis

Electrolysis is OK for isolated hairs and is the only treatment that works for white hairs.  If you want to get rid of unwanted hair do it before you go grey otherwise you’re going to spend many hours over many months getting the same result for a much bigger cash layout.

Is Electrolysis the same as Laser Hair Removal?

Electrolysis and Laser Hair Removal are a world apart. The Soprano XL laser is the gold standard method of hair removal.

The machine itself costs £80,000 and is a straightforward example of the old adage “you gets what you pays for”!

Laser Hair Removal may seem expensive in the short run but long term it is the best way to permanently reduce your bristles.


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