Don’t ignore your Pelvic Floor

Pelvic Floor

Thank goodness that we are starting to talk more about the Pelvic Floor.

We absolutely love this tongue-in-cheek look at women’s ‘under carriage’ with Elaine, Pelvic Floor Physio and Comedian. Elaine’s approach is both light hearted and informative. Chats about pelvic floor should always be delivered in such a way. Elaine discusses just how common pelvic floor problems are but shows us how with simple exercises we can improve our pelvic floor which will in turn give us better bladder control and more intense orgasms. Happy days!

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In addition to the techniques advocated by Elaine, here at Doctors Laser Clinic we offer the clinical procedure Femilift to help women treat a number of vaginal conditions along the spectrum between comfort and healthcare, including stress urinary incontinence and sexual sensitivity. It’s a true wonder-treatment.

We feel privileged that our very own Dr Kathy Kestin is specially trained to provide FemiLift treatments at Doctors Laser Clinic. We are the only clinic offering the service in the East of England.

The treatment is much the same as having a smear test with some extra bits and bobs. A narrow probe is placed in the vagina and rotated as the doctor pulses the laser almost painlessly. Like skin, vaginal tissue is made up of collagen fibres which give it strength and flexibility. So the laser technology is used to gently heat vaginal tissue, contracting existing fibres and stimulating the formation of new collagen, thereby improving the pelvic floor. The whole procedure takes about 30 minutes. Many patients report noticeable results within a few days of the first treatment, but the full course is needed to affect the full result. So guess what, you can pop in for a treatment in your lunch break as there is no down-time or recovery time required.

We believe that you deserve to lead a comfortable and satisfying feminine life, so let’s keep the discussion going.  To find out more about Femilift book a consultation now. Call us at 01603 360360 or email

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