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Dark Undereye Circles – Causes and Treatments

Dark Undereye Circles

Dark circles can have a nasty habit of making a person look tired and older than their actual age. It might well be the case that a sufferer has plenty of energy inside and feels well rested but their appearance means they regularly get comments about how ‘tired’ they appear.

A marked reduction in the shade of their dark eye circles could make a dramatic difference in a person’s appearance. A lessening of the circles could well take years off a person’s perceived age and restore confidence in their appearance.


The main causes of permanent dark circles?


Loss of facial fat and tissue, thinning skin, collagen and elastin reduction in the eye area are all possible factors. Loss of fatty tissue and thinning of the skin around the eyes are part of the ageing process. Any of these can make circles more noticeable.


There is a good possibility that your dark circles could be hereditary. The complaint is often shared by members of the same family


Dark circles are more prevalent in patients with darker skin tones. This might be due to the fact that circles simply appear to be darker. Greater levels of skin pigmentation may be to blame for this.

Excess pigmentation 

A number of reasons could cause the skin to produce more melanin, anywhere on the body, including around the eye area. Excess melanin=excess pigmentation.

Understanding the Temporary Causes of Dark Circles and How to Address Them

In contrast to the above more permanent reasons,  there are many possible temporary causes for dark circles to form. These include stress, diet, eye rubbing, allergic reactions, poor sleep, dermatitis, lack of sleep, and smoking.

If you have dark circles that are there one day and gone the next, obviously there is a temporary cause. Working out the cause from the list of possible causes would help you find a solution. Drinking more water, getting more sleep, or less time in front of a computer may all help. What we often see is a combination of factors. It might well be the case that a person would always have had dark circles to a degree, but the appearance of these circles worsens and becomes noticeable when a temporary factor is added into the equation.


Causes of permanent dark circles

If, on the other hand, you have had persistent dark circles for a long while, then you most probably have lighter or thinner skin, darker eye area pigmentation, or it might just be a fact that your physical make up simply means that your circles are more prominent. The other reason could simply be the natural ageing process.

If you have reached a certain age and tissue loss has started to rear its head, the culprit for dark circles will be due to an area called the nasojugal groove.This sits in a place below the eye at the top of the cheek. Another term for this area is the tear trough. Tissue loss in this area will make the tear troughs show more. Less tissue between the skin and the eye socket will mean that circles show more prominently.


Dark eye circle treatments

If you ascertain that your dark circles are not temporary then you have different options open to you to treat them, but this will depend upon the underlying cause of the circles. In the case of excess pigmentation then we have multiple treatment options to reduce the excess pigmentation.In the case of lost volume, then volume inducing treatments will help. One of these options are dermal fillers. In this instance the dermal fillers come under the term ‘tear trough fillers’ This simple but effective treatment acts to reduce the appearance of the dark circles by filling the area below the eye and creating more volume. Dermal fillers contain the biocompatible substance hyaluronic acid.

Another treatment option is the fantastic Harmony XL pro. This fractional ablative laser device works to boost collagen production underneath the skin’s surface and can be very effective for dark eye circles.

Depending on the cause and extent of your dark circles we will have more than one treatment option to help diminish them. A consultation will allow us to give you the best possible advice for the treatment of your particular case.

You can request a consultation with one of our team by clicking the link here.


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