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Here come the boys – mens laser hair removal

mens laser hair removal

Despite the proliferation of full-on beards and sculpted RAF-style moustaches sported by so many men these days, manscaping continues to increase in popularity. No longer simply the preserve of swimmers looking to reduce drag in the water – although US Olympian swimmer Ryan Lochte is a prime proponent of laser hair removal to help him achieve precisely that in the lead up to Rio 2016 – more and more men are looking to alternatives for shaving to keep chest, back, neck or facial hair in check. 

Of course, we know full well that laser hair removal is not just for girls – we’ve always said that this type of treatment is particularly well suited to dealing with the darker and coarser hair sprouted by men (from so many unwanted areas!). But it would seem that it’s not just us banging the drum – a recent report looking at the future of the global facial aesthetics market confirms that this fusion of beauty treatment with healthcare is answering to a growing desire of both sexes to not only look their best but know that they are in good (medically trained) hands throughout their treatments. Coupled with the use of the latest in hi-tech equipment, such as our Soprano ICE laser, the knowledge that treatments are carried out by experienced professionals in a medical environment brings more than an element of security and confidence to anyone looking to dip their toe into the water of manscaping for the first time. 

Just because it’s a jungle out there, doesn’t mean it needs to be a jungle down there.

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We are continuing to adhere to strict protocols so the car park will continue as our waiting room for the time being. We look forward to welcoming you back!

Feel free to contact us on 01603 360 360 or at info@laserdocs.co.uk.