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Botox® – Keep away from the cowboys


It amazes and saddens us that there are still people out there choosing to go to what can only be described as dodgy Botox® practitioners. It amazes us because they seem willing to take risks with something that’s so precious to us all: our faces. And for what? To save a few pounds. It’s just not worth it.

It saddens us because there are so many good, honest and safe practitioners out there. There’s just no need to go to some high street boutique or some bloke who operates from his home address. These are the people that give our industry a bad name and can, at the most extreme level, end up ruining lives. And unfortunately, it’s those kinds of stories that the media and the press love to report on. Despite the fact that there are fewer dodgy practitioners than there used to be, they’ll always jump on a story where things have gone wrong. You can’t blame them really – there’s nothing much sensational about a “I had Botox® treatment and it was great” story. Much more interesting is a story like this, which not only involves bad treatment but almost criminal activity:

“A self-styled celebrity Botox® specialist offered a disgruntled facelift patient a £2,000 refund if she dropped her complaint against him, a tribunal has heard.”


But then again, it’s good that the negative stories are out there. If only to remind people about the importance of undertaking treatment with only qualified medical professionals. As Loveylucy, one of the people commenting on the story, says:

“NEVER go to quacks for cosmetic treatment. Do your homework and go to a qualified doctor who specialises in this sort of treatment, not a podiatrist who does a bit of Botox on the side to make extra cash.”

Spot on.

Story link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3537532/Self-styled-celebrity-Botox-expert-offered-unhappy-facelift-patient-2-000-refund-dropped-complaint-against-him.html

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