Benefits of laser hair removal

From our Clients

The Soprano diode Laser uses The Gold Standard laser technology for superb results in hair removal.  In our highly skilled hands you too can experience the joys of permanent laser hair removal as illustrated by just a small selection of e-mails from our clients below:

Within two sessions I had a 97% reduction in spots and ingrowers with massively fewer hairs and it was all so much more hygienic.  I just couldn’t believe it was going to be pain free – but it was.  This has changed my life.  I just amazed at how I kept going back to all those beauticians who only ever made it better for a few days – now I am so smooth – you can’t beat the Soprano.  Go for it!

All I can say is…WOW!! OMG!!! After just ONE session, the hair has practically gone! That fab laser…Lola, Sapphire…whatever she’s called…is brill! I don’t think I’ll be needing 6 sessions. But I’ll let you decide when I next see you. You’re not gonna believe it!  I could kiss her right on the end of the sapphire!!
(The Soprano Laser uses 810nm wavelength light in the infra-red region of the light spectrum that is very safe and well away from the damaging UV end of the light spectrum that causes cancer.  In fact it rejuvenates the skin.  The laser light is shone through a sapphire tipped handpeice which is what this client is enthused about – it would cost a lot to buy in the jewellers!)

There is now only two days to go before i jet off to warmer climates, I would just like to thank you very much. For the first time in about 20 years i can actually go on holiday and be able to take off my shirt with confidence I really can’t believe the result from the soprano treatment, only 2 days ago the hairs that were coming through simply wiped away . Thank you once again

Am thinking of going to Los Angeles for an audition after this 4th treatment!! – silky smooth and heart stopping sexy.  Don’t worry, I’ll take Hubby. On second thoughts I’ve got to wait 10 years ’til the children leave home!

I was so nervous…Kathy put me at ease right from the start.  It’s an unusual bit of a business having that laser rubbed over your personals, but the chatter was fun.  I couldn’t begin to tell you how excited I was as all that bush began to fall out two weeks later….. after the fourth treatment everything was gone for at least 6 weeks before the new hair sprouted….better than you promised……..and now it’s finished, my confidence in myself as a woman is amazing.  I’ll have that free top-up you promised 6 months from now!  Thank you loads and loads and loads!

The whole process has been explained to me the whole way through in a caring and understanding way, it has been pain free and thinking back to the pain of the past 15 years I wonder how on earth I managed to endure it for so long. I know that I still have a couple of treatments to go but in the meantime I have bought and started wearing ‘nice pretty knickers’ as I feel so much more confident and womanly!!! If any woman / man is struggling and fighting with the dilemma I have been through then don’t waste any more time or heart ache the process is life changing!!!

If you’ve helped them as much as you’ve helped me then you definitely deserve a card. Words would never explain how grateful I am for everything you have done for me

This is the first summer since reaching puberty that I have been able to wear skirts each day and not worry about the dreaded dark leg hair or think about booking in for a waxing session!  It’s great and my skin definitely seems a lot healthier and brighter than before the treatment!

its been all go with the wedding, college work and my job i haven’t had any time to do anything. A lot of my hair fell out really easily and it is so much finer when its growing back, its brilliant and already making such a difference.

Permanent Laser Hair Removal Norwich – The Doctors Laser Clinic delivers the best results

If you would like to know more about pain free laser hair removal in Norwich or Norfolk then feel free to contact us to arrange a consultation at the Laser Doctors Hair Removal Clinic.


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