01603 360360

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Are you concerned about unsightly skin tags, lesions or moles?

Skin Lesions

Perhaps you have heightened concerns following sun exposure this Summer.

Our expert team, including Doctor Willis, oversee the procedure, meaning your problem is rectified professionally and efficiently.

We have many years of experience in dealing with skin leasions, and are known as one of the best places in Norfolk to have your moles checked and removed. We are conversant is all skin lesions, of all shapes and sizes and will have seen the same or similar lesions before.

Prices for skin tag removal starts from £150 – £300 for consulting and up to 3 lesions.

We have the option of two different lasers for surgery CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and Erbium.  They give us the option to treat to within fractions of a millimetre accuracy meaning that damage to surrounding tissue is much less than with surgical excision, cryotherapy or cautery that is traditionally available elsewhere. The risk of scarring is substantially less as a result.  The initial consultation will include a realistic assessment of the likelihood or not of scarring.  The aim of course is to go for zero!

Most procedures take between 30-60 minutes with minimum downtime and discomfort and only require a local or topical anesthetic.

Book a consultation now for affordable skin treatment and find out how we can help you. Call us at 01603 360360 or email info@laserdocs.co.uk.

Get in touch if you have any questions about your lesions, the process, and anything else you wish to ask!

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All our staff have been vaccinated against Covid-19 thus reducing mutual risk. As a Covid-Safe, CQC Registered Medical Clinic with Ventilation that ensures TWELVE air changes per hour your safety is our priority. 

We are continuing to adhere to strict protocols so the car park will continue as our waiting room for the time being. We look forward to welcoming you back!

Feel free to contact us on 01603 360 360 or at info@laserdocs.co.uk.